A Marketing girl on a recruitment world. Culture and Communication from a Marketing perspective.

Damia Group Portugal
6 min readDec 14, 2020


After receiving a few compliments about Damia’s online communications, I decided to write this article — not only to show how it all works, but what our ideas and visions are and how we got to where we are today!

First of all I think it’s important to share my idea of company’s culture and why the communication is very important for me.

A company’s culture is its values and mission which act as the distinct identification of the business. It is quite clear that a positive culture in the workplace can create a healthy and productive working environment.

In today’s modern business world and even more so with the pandemic we have experienced in 2020, companies are looking to improve their corporate culture, building more positive working environments with a strong communication channel both internally and externally showing how they work 💪

Communication is an important and vital factor to a good and healthy business — in my opinion we should maintain positive and strong communication from the inside — out (from within the company to the market).

This creates a productive work culture which is essential for a better understanding of the business and bonding amongst colleagues — from the recruitment department, to finance, sales, marketing etc…

Therefore, by communicating our company culture and ensuring that all our employees understand it, Damia becomes more consistent and more effective.

However, it’s a mistake to assume that everyone will naturally share the same values — this is the same in life in general! We should understand and accept one another, as long as we work together towards the same goals! We’re all in the same boat.

Damia came to Portugal in 2017, when Cláudio Menezes and Hélio Costa brought to Portugal a tech recruitment agency with the mission of being different and disruptive in the market.

They brought to Damia people they already knew, trusted and liked — people who shared the same values and mission! The idea was to create a work environment with a friendly culture, where people felt that it was less of a workspace but rather a team and a family working towards the same purpose together. A company where people can be themselves.

I was Damia’s third employee and have been working on their communication since day 1.
The first communication was simple — to pass the true essence of the company, and what better way to share that than with OUR PEOPLE?

Since the very beginning, we’ve shared all our fun moments — our lunches, our parties and even our internal jokes (mainly on our instagram) and our friends, candidates and clients LOVE it 💙

Promoting our company culture on social media makes a huge difference to our relationships and plays a vital role in the quality of our recruitment marketing strategy!

With the hope to ​​pass on our unique identity, transparency and friendly space, it was unanimous that our communication base should mainly be pictures of us — of the team that made this company so great:

You guys have done some truly brilliant work. Thank you for being the dream team and for acing the project, it makes the communication and marketing work easier for me!

We started with team photos against the bricks (they had a powerful image attraction in my opinion), and we loved having an excuse to go to LX Factory to take the pictures and then onto the all-you-can-eat Sushi restaurant.👇

With the opening of our amazing office on Avenida Almirante Reis, we thought it would be the ideal location for our team photos. With the green ‘living’ wall and the D of our Damia, it gave the power and union that we wanted, (and we got to show off our office!).👇

Although we are already a remote friendly company, the pandemic forced us to stay at home…but how can I still communicate if I’m not able to take new photos?

Thankfully Damia continued to grow and hire, but in terms of communication, I now had a challenge with our communication materials as all of our design was based on our team photos!

How to overcome this issue?

Many suggestions and ideas… but I wasn’t able to produce anything and nothing was “easy” enough for me to change.

That’s when I came across some work by an illustrator who shared a set of drawings of people which I could change as I wished and “build” each character (my colleagues).

Thank you Pablo Stanley! https://www.pablostanley.com/ 🙏

I just had to design our yellow office couch, and with the logo on the wall…voilá! The new team picture 👇

I hope you like this article, this is just a snippet of how we have got this far in our communication, what motivates me and how I have put this communication marketing plan together over these 3 years.

I’m a strong believer that creating a strong business culture and sharing this with the online world, will enable us to foster an environment where Damia has a great organizational reputation, where we deliver a service with high standards.

Creating a positive company culture will involve addressing any problem that may arise (it’s normal with growing pains), putting strategies in place, setting good behavioural examples from the top down, engaging with and listening to all coworkers and constantly communicating company values to employees, as well as any other desirable attributes 🔥

The main rule for me is, ALWAYS communicate INSIDE — OUT! The work begins with your people, with your coworkers!

The best way to start is to carry out surveys or gather feedback to gauge the perceptions that your employees have about your organization’s culture!

About Damia Portugal:
We are an international innovative IT recruitment company with over 25 years of experience working across all levels, from support right up to executive board level, with our HQ based on the UK.

We came to Portugal with the promise to shake up the market and redefine how one engages with clients. Our core goal is to develop relationships across the market, offer a disruptive (but positive!) approach with both clients and candidates, always based on open and transparent communication.

We take the stresses out of recruitment and engage the right professionals who will excel in your organization.

We use out-of-the-box sourcing techniques.
We are innovative, disruptive, transparent and relaxed.
We came to the market to do it different and
we love it!

About Sofia:
Sofia is Damia’s Marketing Manager! As she says, she’s a crazy one — a misfit, a rebel and a “troublemaker” wherever she goes…with her big mouth!

With nine years of experience, she started by taking a Graphic Design degree but soon enough understood that her passion was in Marketing and took a Masters in Marketing and a Digital Marketing degree.

She can build a strategy or write a message and design it onto a picture to go! The creativity within a message can be powerful and one image can say a thousand words.

If she had a slogan it was: ‘People, Love & Unicorns’ Enjoy The Difference’.



Damia Group Portugal

At Damia Group we take the hassle out of tech recruitment and put in the right professionals who will excel in your organization 🔥